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Kelli Femrite

"Nicole is absolutely incredible at what she does. She explains human design concepts that can sometimes seem overwhelming in a way that you can clearly take away a message that relates to your life."

Carla Townsend

"The biggest takeaway was to stop getting lost in comparisonitis as I naturally receive all of the intuitive inspiration I need and to trust myself more. Thank you so much Nicole for such an incredible and enlightening experience."

Wisdom Within Workshop - only $33!

  • Total payment
  • 1xWisdom Within Workshop$33

All prices in USD

Get instant access to the Wisdom Within, a 60 minute practical workshop that explores each of the 7 authorities in human design. 
In the Wisdom Within Workshop, you'll learn:

How to connect with your Human Design authority so that you make aligned & empowered decisions that are best for you with clarity and confidence 

How to create massive self trust and understand what your body is communicating to you

The conditioning and the particular energy centres that can influence decisions and lead to fear or scarcity

How to support others to make empowered decisions 

You'll walk away from the workshop with:

A deep understanding of exactly how to make decisions that are best for you

Lifetime access to the Wisdom Within Workshop replay.
